New Friends

By David E McCarty MD FAASM (But you can call me Dave)

When it rains, it pours, the saying goes. Also this: sometimes it rains so much that it feels like it will drain the landscape out from under you.

That’s how the last two weeks have felt, one thing, after another, followed by two things. At the AAPMD meeting Collaboration Cures, I had the pleasure of meeting the brilliant and charming Dr. Shereen Lim—all the way from Perth Australia!--who just published a beautiful book for the lay public on early pediatric airway intervention called BREATHE, SLEEP, THRIVE.  

Fellow Aussie Sharon Moore, a crazy-smart speech pathologist and myofunctional practitioner was there, too, and she had a great time learning how to use our Circadian Rhythmo-Wheel. In 2019, Sharon wrote a great book about childhood sleep issues called Sleep Wrecked Kids.

And then there was Kelley Richardson, whose own child’s life was transformed by learning to become a more talented NOSE-BREATHER, using Buteyko Breathing techniques! So what did Kelley do? She wrote a children’s book, The Very STUFFY Nose, that teaches other kids how to do the same thing! How cool is that, Life Fans?

I also had the honor and pleasure of meeting the founder of the AAPMD, Dr. Howie Hinden, whose book about airway health GASP continues to sell well on Amazon!

Back in Boulder, we premiered our PODCAST Episode 2, and we threw in some Lagniappe fun with a new—and FULLY RAD!—music video. We also had a really fantastic night on Thursday for our official public launch of the Empowered Sleep Apnea project, with a book signing and general all-around FUN-fest. We learned how to use Rhythmo-Wheels, had fun talking about the project, had pie and coffee, and made corny jokes. I even did a magic trick, just to start things off. What a hoot!

To those beautiful and brave souls who came to the premiere, please accept my deepest thanks. I am thrilled to see that our message of EMPOWERMENT is resonating with so many curious and smart humans! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

My cartoon for you today continues to follow our friend Claudio, on his first date with Kate…we catch up with them for a little vignette that I’m calling…what else?…New Friends.

Happy Saturday, Life Fans!

 New Friends


The Makeover


The New Idea