All of us here at Empowered Sleep Apnea are on a mission for global personal empowerment…that means empowerment for patients and providers alike! That’s why on the business side of this affair, we’re kinda like Paul Newman’s salad dressings and stuff: ALL PROFITS WILL ALWAYS GO TO CHARITY.

And not just any charity! We believe in fostering collaboration, awareness, and empowerment within the vast landscape known as Sleep Apnea!

Wanna see some of the great teams carrying the torch? Good! :) Check out our RAD partners below! D’ya think your non-profit flocks with our mojo? Also good! :)

Drop us a line through the “CONTACT” page, and let’s talk!

The Children's Airway First Foundation (CAFF) was established to ensure that both parents and professionals become educated on the causes of childhood airway disorders, the signs and symptoms to look for, and what treatment options are available. 

The Mission of the Foundation for Airway Health is to help the public realize their maximum potential by championing the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of airway related disorders through collaboration, awareness, research, and education.

Our mission is to be educators, advisors, and advocates for the promotion, preservation, and protection of sleep.  We aim to fulfill our mission by encouraging the creation and maintenance of a USIeep global network that carries out the organization's mission.